If you basically live in your car or take long journeys for business or personal reasons, it is a good idea to keep your car clean. Cleaning the outside is great for everyone looking at your car, but cleaning the inside of the car is for your own personal comfort and health. Here are a few of the best ways to clean the interior of your car.

Empty it out

First thing first is to empty your car of belongings, recyclables like plastic bottles and general rubbish. This will automatically make your car appear tidier and cleaner because you will have removed the items that initially made it look dirty in the first place.

Hoover everything

Now remove your floor mats and lie them on the ground next to the car. This allows you to hoover the foot well, under the seats as well as the seats and the dashboard, without having anything in the way. Try and hoover as much as is possible before hoovering the floor mats. Make sure they are as clean as possible before putting them back into the car. Easiest way to do that is to hoover them, then beat the mat to loosen up any remaining bits and hoover them again.

Spray & Wipe

Take your vinyl protector and spray it onto a clean cloth. You can them methodically wipe it over the vinyl surfaces, working from top to bottom and then back up. Once you have completed that, take a new clean, soft cloth and buff the vinyl.

Spray window cleaner onto a fresh cloth and methodical clean your dashboard and all other plastic surfaces. If you haven’t done it in a while, make sure you scrub off as much dirt and grime as possible. Also ensure you are clearing the dirt rather than simply redistributing it. Best way to do this is to work from the cleanest area to the filthiest area.


In order to avoid the annoyances that is being dazzled or blinded, it is best to continually clean your windows. Wet a clean cloth with the window cleaner of your choice and clean the inside of the window with circular motions. Follow this up by polishing the window with firm circular motions when the window is wet and all the dirt has been lifted.

Best thing to do next is to buff the windows with crumpled up pieces of newspaper, especially in the corners. Once you are sure you have removed all the dirt and the oils on the window. If you feel that the window is not clean enough, repeat the process.


It doesn’t matter if you seat are made from leather, plastic-leather and fabrics, they will need conditioning. This is one way of dealing with any cracks or tears there are in the seat. Once they have been conditioned, ensure that they are cleaned effectively.

If you are looking for cheap car service, then our Hippo Service Centre is one to look out for. Our team in our state of the art workshop and body shop can offer the best car servicing Blackburn has to offer.