The Hippo Service Centre is a state of the workshop with the latest diagnostic equipment and manufacturer trained technicians who can carry out every kind of repair on your vehicle. This starts from a simple bulb replacement to engine and gearbox repairs. Our technicians are highly trained in all kinds or repairs and vehicle maintenance work ensuring that the work can be completed to the best possible standard.
We also specialise in car and van servicing at our centre in Blackburn, Lancashire for all makes and models. We may be larger than your independent garages but we offer competitively priced servicing packages. These can be applied on all types of vehicles throughout Blackburn, Burnley, Pendle, Preston and beyond.
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Changing Of The Seasons: Switching From Winter To Summer Tyres
Spring has come. We are leaving the cold, icy weather of winter and heading towards the hopefully hot and sunny months ahead (who are we kidding? We live in England!). With the changes in the seasons comes dramatic changes in weather. Now when we entered the dark, cold months of winter, you may have made the choice to switch to winter tyres. This was a good idea. Winter tyres are
The Price Of Potholes
Drivers, if you have driven today, you will likely have experienced a dreaded pothole. You will have either swerved to avoid the hole in the road or you will have hit it head on and suffered the horrible vibrations throughout your car. A lot of damage can be done to your car when you hit a pothole and the unfortunate truth is that most potholes are not obvious until you
Keeping Your Car In The Best Shape In 2017
Whilst you look after yourself this year, do the same for your car. If you look after it properly and make sure it is in the best shape possible, then it will cost you less. Both in repairs and maintenance and fuel costs. If you have any body damage, take it to our state of the art prep centre and we will conduct car body repairs easily. That is just
I have complete faith in the entire team at Hippo, and regularly leave my car in their capable hands. All is well, and I pick it up knowing that it has been serviced with care and attention and at a very reasonable price. Keep up the good work Hippo, I will spread the word.
I wouldn’t take my car anywhere else, we think Dave is super friendly and it is so handy that he delivers my car back to me. Really great service guys.
Thank you Dave, first time we have used Hippo and we are thrilled with the quick and friendly service. Great great, what a refreshing change.
I just wanted to let you know how happy we are with the way you handled our problem porsche. A really experienced professional team you have there, thank you.